Adult Baby Babysitter

One of the weaker games… If you have 5-10 minutes, you can play it, so you can say, you’d seen it. The game or better said the story has big potential, but the game was done either by a total newbie or half-hearted. Only three characters with a single portrait are additional to the “standard” RPG-Maker stuff, that bloats up the game to 200MB size. I think, deleting all unneccesary files will drop the game-size to 10 or less MB.

The whole story is told very quickly. A girl came home and another girl tolds her, that she was booked as babysitter. Nextdoor. You go over, see that your neighbor is an ABDL. You gave her drink, change her diaper, put her into bed, then you go home and to sleep. On the next day you wake up with a pacifier in your mouth.

OK, that is quick, but with a little bit more storytelling and options it could be a nice game. But unluckily nobody put afford in this game, not even the ABDL-Tilesets weren’t used. A pile of plates (dishes) are “seen” as a pile of diapers, a toolbox are “colorful diapers”. The map contains a much to long floor and 2 identical houses.

EngineRPG Maker
Age Regression NPC
Diaper UsageOnly NPC


  • Free
  • maybe complete


  • super short
  • poor aestetics (dishes->diapers)
  • story could be much deeper
  • nearby nothing to discover

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